Alcohol misuse is ranked as the third leading risk factor for premature death and disability in the world.
We advocate for:
Alcohol misuse is ranked as the third leading risk factor for premature death and disability in the world and the global burden of disease, disability, and economic costs from alcohol use is almost equal to that of tobacco. In 2002, the estimated cost of alcohol misuse in Alberta was $1.6 billion dollars, due primarily to lost productivity and cost related to health care and law enforcement.
While alcohol is a legal substance, alcohol-related harm is a serious public health issue that affects quality of life for all Albertans. Alcohol policies that address alcohol misuse, such as increasing alcohol taxes, limiting days, hours, and conditions of alcohol sales and service, are all healthy public policies proven to be cost effective and successful in reducing alcohol-related harm.
For more information, download our issue brief:
Alcohol-Related Harm in Alberta and Relevant Policy Approaches.